here to help you meditate

OMR is an online, live, meditation space that supports women to live in core self alignment.

Our intention is to practice meditation, daily.

OMR Membership

OMR - I am nourished & able to be generous
Every month

Recommended membership price for those who acknowledge they are comfortably able to meet all of their basic needs such as food, housing and transport with funds left over for socialising, new clothes & holidays .

✓ 4 Sessions Per Week
✓ Boddhicitta Bookclub
✓ Library of Yoga, Meditation & Yoga Nidra recordings
✓ The Breathwork Foundation 6 week self study program
OMR Membership - I am creative & resourceful
Every month

Recommended membership price if you are not making ends meet, you are caring for others without financial reward, you receive support from the government and you don't have access to healthy food, your own car or stable housing.

✓ 4 Session Per Week
✓ Boddhicitta Bookclub
✓ Library of Yoga, Meditation & Yogas Nidra recordings
✓ The Breathwork Foundation 6 week self study program
OMR Membership - I am & I have enough
Every month

Recommended membership price for those who acknowledge that they feel financial stress but somehow always manage to make ends meet. This might be you if you have a regular income, have access to a car and healthy food choices but struggle to go away on holiday or to eat out at a restaurant.

✓ 4 Session Per Week
✓ Boddhicitta Bookclub
✓ Library of Yoga, Meditation & Yoga Nidra recordings
✓ The Breathwork Foundation 6 week self study program
  • "Our Morning Ritual is my daily rock and I love joining in the mornings."

    OMR member

  • "Our Morning Ritual offers me a reason to wake up, friendly faces to help me to feel company & accountability so that I show up for my practices "

    OMR Member

  • "Seeing familiar faces on the screen each morning fills me with joy- people who are gentle, non- judgemental and provide a sense of belonging and friendship with a beautiful community"

    OMR member

  • "Our morning ritual gets me up and starting my day with commitment and purpose"

    OMR Member

  • "Since joining our morning ritual I feel more grounded and in tune"

    OMR member

  • "I genuinely cannot imagine my life without the morning ritual. I cannot put into words the enormity of its wider impact on my life which transcends the morning practice."

    OMR member

  • "I'm so grateful to start the day in a gentle, kind way for my own wellbeing which radiates to those around me. "

    Our Morning Ritual member 2020-24

  • "The book club gives me the chance to meet face to face people who I would otherwise not get to meet in person. I am blessed to count these wonderful women as very dear friends and love discussing books alongside a whole range of other unplanned topics."

    OMR member

  • "I come back to the sensations of the morning ritual during my day when I find I need that sense of calm."

    OMR member

  • "Our Morning Ritual was an anchor point in 2020 and very quickly became an essential part of my day"

    Morning Ritual member 2020-24

  • "This is a fundamental lifestyle shift, a daily self regulation that opens the door to self awareness.”

    OMR member

Weekly Practices

+ Monday mindfulness practice.

+Tuesday mantra meditation.

+Wednesday tonglen meditation.

+Thursday soothing breath practice.

+New & Full Moon yoga nidra.

What you’ll receive.

+ Live guided practices online, Monday to Thursday at 6.30am UK time.

+New & Full Moon yoga nidras to start your day.

+6 week recorded self study program The Breath Foundation.

+Bodhicitta Bookclub reading list & meet ups.

+Library of recorded yoga practices, yoga nidras & meditations.

Reclaim your morning

Reclaim your inner compass

Reclaim your life

“I genuinely cannot imagine my life without the morning ritual. I cannot put into words the enormity of its wider impact on my life which transcends the morning practice. In my regular gratitude practice I give thanks for having Sonja in my life and for her having set up the morning ritual.”

— OMR member

“OMR has seen me through menopause, through lockdown, through bouts of depression and sickness and it has only ever brought me friendship and something to feel good about in my life.”

— OMR member

“OMR helps to keep me focused on what's important for me to do each day- knowing I can find inner calm through my breath, mindfulness and yoga. I come back to the sensations of the morning ritual during my day when I find I need that sense of calm.”

— OMR member

What does OMR offer?

  • Morning Practice

    30 minutes of gently guided meditation, pranayama & yoga nidra Monday to Thursday 6.30am UK time in person via Zoom. Open to members & their household.

  • Bodhicitta Bookclub

    Read a book each month that tends to your compassionate, awakened heart and inspires us to keep to doing the work. Read at home or meet in person once a month in Poole, Dorset.

  • Archive of Yoga, Meditation, Yoga Nidra recordings & The Breath Foundation

    OMR members area hosts an archive of yoga, meditation & yoga nidra material for your home practice, including The Breath Foundation, a 6 week self study program.

Why join OMR?

  • You want to meditate consistently.

  • You’re curious about deepening your practice.

  • You know that practicing in community is a boost to your meditation practice & life.

Meet your teacher

Since 2019 Sonja has been teaching meditation and holding space for embodied deepening through stillness.

As a meditation facilitator she brings guided traditional meditations, soothing breath practices and restorative yoga nidras to meet the need for self regulation so common in our time.

Her aim is to help us remember our core true self, liberated from the distractions of our conditioning. Sonja’s approach to meditation is interdisciplinary & secular, drawing on Buddhist, Vedic & Shamanic schools of practice.

Sonja is a dharma student of Lama Tsultrim Allione and a senior student of Core Process Psychotherapy within the Karuna Institute.

Join Sonja each morning for her gently guided meditation.

  • "Gentleness in our practice opens a gateway to gentleness in our life."

    Sonja Lockyer

  • "In sitting practice, there is no way to get it wrong. Wherever you find yourself just be there and allow the moment to unfold. "

    Sonja Lockyer

  • "Whenever we loose heart we can lean on our community and read the written words of teachers who generously share theirs."

    Sonja Lockyer

  • "We find solidarity in one another each morning, we remember that we are not alone."

    Sonja Lockyer

  • "It's about remembering the gold is right here inside you, it was here all along."

    Sonja Lockyer

OMR offers more

Designed to keep you inspired by providing a comprehensive blend of contemplation practices in one space.

OMR is a way to keep your meditation practice alive.

Traditional meditation practices offer mindfulness, stillness, clarity, calm, self regulation, heart connection, embodiment and support your journey home to yourself.

Registration is open.

How to join.

OMR membership is priced according to your available resources, starting at £35, £22 or £14 a month. This pricing model is designed to allow equanimity and accessibility, requiring that you take a moment to reflect and consider your financial reality before you commit to a price point. We know this is not easy, self reflection around money can be challenging, but our hope is that it will allow more women to join at a rate that is viable for their circumstance.

Upon joining you will receive the OMR zoom link and access to the members area.

Choose your commitment plan below - we do not offer refunds but you can cancel at any time.

Membership options

OMR - I am nourished & able to be generous
Every month

Recommended membership price for those who acknowledge they are comfortably able to meet all of their basic needs such as food, housing and transport with funds left over for socialising, new clothes & holidays .

✓ 4 Sessions Per Week
✓ Boddhicitta Bookclub
✓ Library of Yoga, Meditation & Yoga Nidra recordings
✓ The Breathwork Foundation 6 week self study program
OMR Membership - I am creative & resourceful
Every month

Recommended membership price if you are not making ends meet, you are caring for others without financial reward, you receive support from the government and you don't have access to healthy food, your own car or stable housing.

✓ 4 Session Per Week
✓ Boddhicitta Bookclub
✓ Library of Yoga, Meditation & Yogas Nidra recordings
✓ The Breathwork Foundation 6 week self study program
OMR Membership - I am & I have enough
Every month

Recommended membership price for those who acknowledge that they feel financial stress but somehow always manage to make ends meet. This might be you if you have a regular income, have access to a car and healthy food choices but struggle to go away on holiday or to eat out at a restaurant.

✓ 4 Session Per Week
✓ Boddhicitta Bookclub
✓ Library of Yoga, Meditation & Yoga Nidra recordings
✓ The Breathwork Foundation 6 week self study program

There is a no refund policy on memberships but you can cancel anytime and no further payment will be taken.

If you are called to join but do not have the means, email sonja@sonjalockyer and we will find a solution together. We are committed to keeping the practices accessible to all.

And we rest, too.

DAYS OF REST include:

  • 1 rest week every 3 months

  • UK bank holidays

Our schedule is not fixed in stone. On occasion, if Sonja is unwell or unable to attend classes will be cancelled or covered by an excellent alternative senior teacher.

Dorset Community

If you live near to Poole, Dorset, OMR offers you a beautiful community of practitioners who connect in person through The Bodhicitta Bookclub & The Sauna Ritual.

Join the OMR whats app group to hear more.

We are dedicated to accessibility, inclusion, diversity and kindness. If you feel the call to join but paying for a subscription makes it impossible, please get in touch to join -

a journey home to yourself